黎明女神 Goddess of the Dawn “欧若拉”(Aurora),罗马神话里的曙光女神,掌管晨光,代表旭日东升前的黎明。
现在时代背景下每一位杰出的独立女性都是新时代的黎明女神, 她们代表着当代女性的曙光, 用自己独到的眼光、睿智的思维、坚韧的性格 成为女性向阳生长的标杆。
通过一段舞台剧去展现女性在时代的更替下 如何从黑夜走向黎明 成为时代的曙光。 “
Aurora, the goddess of dawn in Roman mythology, is the goddess of morning light, representing the dawn before the rising of the sun.
The morning light is a beautiful gift from nature to mankind, and Aurora is a goddess of hope and expectation. She flies into the sky every morning to announce the dawn to the earth.
They represent the dawn of contemporary women, using their unique vision, wise thinking and resilience to become the benchmark for women’s growth in the sun.
Through a stage play, we show how women can move from the night to the dawn and become the dawn of the times in the face of the changing times.